Lower Decks: Part 2 - A Mixed Bag of Mentors

The second part of the Star Trek: Lower Decks comic book series finally delivers on the cliffhanger from the first, throwing our beloved Cerritos crew into a chaotic adventure. Transported to an alien planet, they encounter a bizarre twist: they must team up with iconic Star Trek figures - Picard, Janeway, Scotty, T'Pol, and Jadzia Dax - to entertain the Excalbians.
The Excalbians, it turns out, are fascinated by the concept of mentorship, mirroring the classic TOS episode "The Savage Curtain" where Kirk and his crew demonstrated human values to an alien civilization. Tendi partners with Jadzia, Mariner with Janeway, Rutherford with Scotty, T'Lin with T'Pol, and Boimler with Picard.
Initially, the excitement is palpable. Working alongside their heroes is a dream come true, even if these are Excalbian-generated versions. However, the dream quickly sours. The Excalbians, it seems, prefer a more…violent form of mentorship. Our heroes are forced to engage in deadly combat with their own mentors, who have been programmed to be incredibly aggressive.
Faced with this absurd situation, the Lower Decks crew refuses to succumb. They argue that violence is not the answer, emphasizing cooperation, understanding, and celebrating differences. A classic Starfleet-style speech ensues, but it's not logic that saves the day. The Excalbians, surprisingly, are more captivated by falling ratings than by the bloodshed. Their live broadcast of the "mentorship challenge" is losing viewers, forcing them to abruptly end the spectacle.
Meanwhile, the Bonaventure crew is rescued by another mysterious alien species, restoring a sense of normalcy. While the Easter eggs and signature Lower Decks humor remain strong, this installment felt somewhat rushed. The resolution felt a bit too abrupt, leaving me wanting to see more of our heroes interacting with their mentors and perhaps overcoming the challenge through ingenuity and teamwork.
Despite these minor shortcomings, I'm still eager to see what the Lower Decks comic series has in store for us.
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